
ONU Council Election results:

Dear Supporters,

Last night the ONU Council AGM and executive positions election was held with over 2,550 votes cast. Sadly, our candidates lost the election with slender margin of 45% to 55%. The numbers show a regrettable division among alumni and the broader Newington community, a division brought about by a small group of people on the College Council who have failed the school immeasurably.

Such a seismic shift in an institution’s direction should never proceed with such a large stakeholder opposition and without sound argument. Those few who chose an ideological path for the many, will never be forgotten nor forgiven by many within the Newington community.


  • children removed to other schools

  • cancelled bequests

  • foundation donations cancelled

  • since boyhood friendships ended

  • sponsorship cancellations

  • old boys who will never step foot back at the school

  • parents being made to feel unwelcome after many years of service


All in the name of the woke buzzwords of the day: diversity, equity and inclusivity. History will be the judge.

What now?

We will ask the new ONU Council to hold the six ONU College Council nominated representatives to account as to why they chose to ignore the majority of old boys on the coed issue. We hope that this entire exercise will prompt future ONU Councils to ensure their representatives on the College Council are held to account for their decisions that affect the many.

We will throw our support behind our friends at the Newington Tradition Supporters Fund and we hope to keep you updated with their progress.

Thank you to those who voted for our candidates. Thank you to those who have supported our cause. And thank you to the D.G.O.O.B.s (Discrete Group of Old Boys) who’s love for thee, will never, never die.


UPDATE: All 5 Motions Carried! Thank you.

Dear Supporters,

Thank you to all alumni who attended the shambolic, yet historic, SGM on Wednesday night. The ONU Executive, and the ineffective third party engaged to count the votes, were completely overwhelmed with the large number of attendees who braved the 3 hour queue to register and get involved.

All 5 motions were carried with our SNC Group negotiating with the ONU President that the election of a new ONU Council would be postponed due to the ridiculous time taken to register each member, and to allow our more senior members to vote and head home before the speakers commenced. A “caretaker” ONU Council, made up of the past ONU Presidents, was agreed to where they will now facilitate an ONU Council election in approximately 4 weeks’ time. It was agreed that this election will take place via electronic and postal means.

The SGM showed that we are not just a “discreet group” nor a “splinter group” of alumni, but we are a majority of the ONU membership who until now had been ignored.


1. That there be a general declaration by the members present at the Special General Meeting of “no confidence” in the ONU Council. CARRIED

2. That all of the elected positions on the ONU Council be immediately declared vacant and that there be elections of all the elected positions on the ONU Council immediately and at the Special General Meeting. CARRIED BUT ELECTIONS POSTPONED

3. That there be a general declaration by the members present at the Special General Meeting of “no confidence” in the Council of Newington College. CARRIED

4. That there be a general declaration by the members present at the Special General Meeting of “no confidence” in the current headmaster of Newington College, Mr Michael Parker. CARRIED

5. That the ONU Council use all available measures to see the reversal of the decision of the Council of Newington College to transition Newington College to co-education. CARRIED

We look forward to your continued support for the upcoming ONU Council elections and for your support to see the unpopular co-ed decision reversed and Newington to remain the leading single sex boys school it has been for been for 160 years.



Food for thought…

“Why would anyone send their son to Newington, to receive all the benefits of a single sex education at a top GPS school, and then want to change it to co-ed? The hypocrisy is breathtaking.”

Ellen Fisher - Newington mother of 3 boys.

"If co-ed was introduced, ONU members would be less likely to enrol their children, and less likely to recommend Newington college.

If co-ed were to be introduced, there is a strong risk of losing support among those who currently endorse Newington College.”

ONU Survey report, May 2022

ONU Special General Meeting!

On 13/03/24, the Honorary Secretary of the ONU gave notice that a Special General Meeting of members of the Old Newingtonians' Union Inc. (the Union) will be held on Wednesday 27 March 2024 with registration from 6pm for a 7:30pm start at Wesley Conference Centre, Wesley Theatre, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW.

Click here to download the notice


The Special General Meeting (SGM) was ultimately necessary to let the majority of Old Newingtonians be heard on the co-ed issue.

To date, that voice as reflected in the ONU survey resulting in majority opposition to co-ed, has simply not been represented by the ONU Council nor by the six ONU nominated representatives on College Council.

The great work otherwise done by the ONU is not being criticised in any way and is irrelevant to our concerns leading to the action being taken via the SGM. The other great work of the ONU is obviously applauded but the lack of representation of old boys opposed to the co-ed move is something that cannot be simply further ignored.

The co-ed move is the most strategically impactful decision in the 161-year life of Newington College. It is an unnecessary, unjustified, and a widely unpopular decision.

Read the detailed explanation of our concerns and reasons for calling the SGM by clicking here.



Voice your objection to the process surrounding the co-ed decision and the absence of merits of that decision for Newington. WHY?:

·     Lack of evidence to make the educational case.

·     Lack of evidence to make the business case, cost, and funding, and management of years of site disruption.

·     No adequate explanation of “why”, such a seismic shift needs to be made. What was the problem faced by Newington being “solved”? A ‘solution’ looking for a problem.

·     No evidence shown to prove any consideration of a plan to remain a boys school i.e. the co-ed move is purely ideological.

·     No explanation of how the interests of a small minority of girls in each year group (16.7% in senior school) would be met and protected.

·     A transition to co-ed for all-boys Newington represents a massive further reduction in choice for parents.

·     No adequate consultation process with all stakeholders.

·     Parents misled and boys being pulled out.

·     The ONU survey showed a clear majority opposed co-ed.

·     Inaction by the ONU to properly represent the members to call-out these failures and push back against this process and ultimate decision.



1. Attend the meeting! Bring identification. All Old Boys are considered members of the ONU.

2. Let us know that you will attend by clicking here

2. Convince your Old Boy mates to attend the meeting! Hit the phones and emails. We need you!

3. For any Old Boy unable to attend, have them nominate you as their proxy - click here to download a proxy form:

4. Up to 5 proxies can be obtained nominating you. Should you have more than 5 ONU members wanting to nominate you, please contact us at enquiries@savenewingtoncollege.org


NOTE - Return ALL PROXIES to us at enquiries@savenewingtoncollege.org before 25th March so that they may be collated and submitted on time.

We need everyone to attend in person and vote for our motions of no confidence and install a fresh group to the ONU Council and Executive positions.

Without your help, Newington will be changed forever.